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Hot: 25 to 40 °C
Cold: 5 to 15 °C
200 to 250 USD
1 to 5 PSI
Top Speed: 45-55 km/h
Flight Speed: 35-40 km/h
Family: Columbidae
Classification: Aves
Breed Name: Streptopelia Decipiens
The African Mourning Dove, scientifically known as Streptopelia decipiens, holds a significant presence across the vast landscapes of the African continent. Its origins trace back to the open woodlands, savannas, and arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa, where it has adapted to a variety of habitats. With its distinctive soft cooing call resonating through the air, this bird has woven itself into the auditory tapestry of African wilderness.
In appearance, the African Mourning Dove boasts a subtle elegance. Its plumage is predominantly a soft gray-brown, adorned with intricate patterns of darker hues, giving it a mottled appearance that aids in camouflaging amidst its surroundings. The dove's slender frame and graceful movements add to its charm, as it navigates the skies with effortless agility.
The African Mourning Dove, scientifically known as Streptopelia decipiens, With its subtle yet elegant appearance, characterized by soft gray-brown plumage adorned with intricate patterns, this dove blends seamlessly into its surroundings. Its slender frame and graceful movements add to its charm as it navigates the skies with agility, often accompanied by its distinctive soft cooing call echoing through the air.
Nestled within the branches of trees or tucked away in rocky outcrops, the African Mourning Dove constructs its nests with finesse, using twigs, grasses, and other natural materials. These nests serve as safe havens for their offspring, with the reproductive cycle synchronized with seasonal changes in the African environment. The diet of the African Mourning Dove primarily consists of seeds gleaned from the ground, supplemented occasionally by small insects and fruits, showcasing its dietary flexibility and adaptability to varying conditions.