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magnificent andaman wood pigeon charisma

Habitat and Distribution

The Andaman Wood Pigeon, scientifically known as Columba palumboides, is endemic to the Andaman Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal. They are primarily found in the interior parts of the islands, preferring areas with ample vegetation cover for nesting and roosting.

Physical Appearance

The male Andaman Wood Pigeon typically has a distinctive plumage with iridescent green and purple hues on its neck and breast, contrasting with a greyish-brown body.

Size and Morphology

Andaman Wood Pigeons are medium-sized birds, with adults typically measuring around 32 to 35 centimeters in length.

Feeding Behavior

they may also consume other plant materials such as leaves and buds, supplementing their diet with occasional insects.

Social Structure and Behavior

They are relatively sedentary birds, with movements mainly restricted to foraging and short-distance flights between feeding and roosting sites. Within their groups, they exhibit social behaviors such as preening, vocalizations, and occasional courtship displays.

Reproduction and Nesting

Breeding in Andaman Wood Pigeons typically occurs during the dry season, which is favorable for nesting and rearing offspring. They construct relatively simple nests made of twigs, leaves, and other plant materials, usually situated on tree branches or in dense foliage for protection.


Their calls consist of soft cooing sounds and occasional low-pitched notes, which they use for communication within their social groups and during courtship rituals.

distinct andaman wood pigeon attributes
notable andaman wood pigeon characteristics

Predators and Threats

While Andaman Wood Pigeons do not face significant predation threats from natural predators, they are vulnerable to habitat loss and human disturbances. Deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and hunting pose significant risks to their population, leading to declines in certain areas. Conservation efforts focused on preserving their forest habitat and mitigating human impacts are essential for their long-term survival.

Conservation Status

there is limited data on their population trends, ongoing habitat degradation and human activities pose significant threats to their survival.

Ecological Role

By preserving their habitat and ensuring their continued presence in the Andaman Islands, we can safeguard the ecological integrity of these unique island ecosystems.