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Scientific Name: Felis Catus

Lifespan: 12-16 Years

Origin: United Kingdom (UK)

Asian Semi-Longhair


The Asian Semi-Longhair affectionately referred to as the Tiffanie, is a beguiling and complicated cat breed that seamlessly melds the endearing traits of the Burmese with the striking semi-lengthy coat of the Persian.

Originating in Britain all through the Eighties, this breed turned meticulously crafted via selective crossbreeding, resulting in a tom cat associate that embodies the brilliance of both worlds.

Physically, the Asian Semi-Longhair is a medium to massive-sized cat, boasting a nicely balanced, semi-cobby body.

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  • Height

    23-25 cm / 9-10 Inches

  • Weight

    4-6 kg / 9-13 Pounds

  • Length

    46-56 cm / 18-22 Inches

  • Color


  • Height

    23-25 cm / 9-10 Inches

  • Weight

    3.5-5.5 kg / 8-12 Pounds

  • Length

    46-56 cm / 18-22 Inches

  • Color


Hot: 18 to 29 °C

Cold: 7 to 29 °C


500 to 1.50K USD

Bite Force

50 to 100 PSI


Jump: 5-6 Feet

Run: 19-22 Miles per hour (30-35 km/h)

Origin Description

The Asian Semi-Longhair, also recognized because the Tiffanie in high quality cat registries, is a fascinating breed that emerged in Britain throughout the Nineteen Eighties. Breeders aimed to fuse the affectionate nature of the Burmese with the elegant, semi-prolonged coat of the Persian. Through meticulous selective breeding, they efficiently crossed Burmese cats with longhaired breeds just like the Persian and Balinese, giving rise to the Asian Semi-Longhair.

This captivating pussycat showcases a blend of tendencies from both discern breeds. Its medium to big-sized frame is embellished with a semi-cobby construct, hanging a balance among the Persian's stockiness and the Burmese's lithe body. The head is great and rounded, complemented through expressive, large eyes which could be available in various shades. An incredible feature of this breed is its semi-lengthy coat, that's silky and lustrous, gracefully draping over its frame. The fur is longer at the tail, neck, and stomach, forming a highly-priced ruff across the neck. Despite its elegant look, the Semi-Longhair's coat is much less susceptible to matting and tangles than the Persian's, making it relatively less hard to preserve.


The Asian Semi-Longhair, affectionately known as Tiffanie, emerged on the feline scene in Britain at some point of the Nineteen Eighties. This fascinating cat breed is the end result of a considerate mixture of the exceptional developments from the Burmese and Persian, developing a fascinating accomplice that marries the affectionate nature of the Burmese with the putting semi-prolonged coat of the Persian.

This medium to huge-sized cat boasts a semi-cobby frame, embellished with massive expressive eyes and a rounded head, contributing to its endearing look. What in reality distinguishes the Asian Semi-Longhair is its luxurious semi-long coat. This silky and lustrous fur gracefully cascades over its frame, forming an interesting ruff around the neck. Surprisingly, irrespective of the semi-prolonged fur, grooming is a greater achievable venture as compared to the Persian, as it's miles less at risk of matting and tangling.