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Hot: 30 to 35 °C
Cold: 10 to 15 °C
200 to 300 USD
5 to 10 PSI
Top Speed: 55-65 km/h
Flight Speed: 40-50 km/h
Family: Columbidae
Classification: Aves
Breed Name: Patagioenas Corensis
The Bare-eyed Pigeon, scientifically known as Patagioenas inornata, is a bird species native to the Caribbean and parts of Central America. Within this region, the Bare-eyed Pigeon occupies a diverse range of habitats, including forests, woodlands, savannas, and agricultural areas. It is often found foraging on the ground or perched in trees, utilizing its versatile diet to exploit available food resources.
Historically, the Bare-eyed Pigeon played a significant role in the ecosystems of the Caribbean and Central America as a seed disperser. By consuming fruits and seeds from various plant species, it helps to disperse seeds over wide areas, contributing to forest regeneration and maintaining plant diversity. This ecological function underscores the importance of the Bare-eyed Pigeon in its native habitats.
Its distinctive feature lies in its striking appearance, particularly its conspicuous bare skin around the eyes, which contrasts sharply with its plumage. This bare skin is often a vivid shade of red or orange, adding to the bird's allure. Coupled with its sleek body and graceful movements, the Bare-eyed Pigeon presents an impressive sight in its natural habitat.
In terms of size, the Bare-eyed Pigeon typically measures around 30 to 35 centimeters in length, making it a moderately sized bird within its genus. Its wingspan spans roughly 60 to 65 centimeters, allowing for graceful flight and maneuverability in the dense forests and woodlands it inhabits. The plumage of this pigeon species varies from shades of gray to brown, providing effective camouflage amidst the foliage of its environment.