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Animal Type: Omnivores
A rare and endangered turtle species found only in South America is the big-headed amazon river turtle (Peltocephalus dumerilianus). Like other side-necked turtles, it is a member of the Podocnemididae family. Auguste Duméril, a French biologist, was the first to describe this species in 1860. The scientific name derives from the combination of "Peltocephalus," meaning "shield head," and "dumerilianus" to honor him.
The Amazon Basin, which includes parts of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, is home to the majority of Peltocephalus dumerilianus populations. Rivers, lakes, and flooded Amazonian forests are typical freshwater habitats for this species. There are plenty of food supplies and good places to lay eggs in the region's vast river systems, which are perfect for its survival.
One interesting and unusual species that lives in the freshwaters of the Amazon Basin in South America is the big-headed amazon river turtle, or Peltocephalus dumerilianus. All turtles with a side neck belong to the Podocnemididae family, of which this particular species is a member. The French scientist Auguste Duméril first described this species of turtle in 1860. The name "dumerilianus" is an homage to Duméril, which means "shield head" in Latin, and the term "peltocephalus" describes the turtle's huge head.
The South American nations of Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, and Colombia are the most common habitats for these turtles. The varied and abundant ecosystem of the Amazon Basin—its vast river systems, lakes, and flooded woodlands—is ideal for their survival. Peltocephalus dumerilianus thrives in this area because of the plenty of food supplies and good places to lay eggs.