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Predators And Prey

predatory threats to aussie butterflyfish

Like other species, butterflyfish have many predators and prey. The butterflyfish are preyed on by sharks, eels, larger fish, and snappers. Because they were small and could hide in small crevices around coral reefs.

The reef butterflyfish has many predators. Butterfly fish match the environment and if they feel a threat they hide and swim, and protect themself in a defensive posture. co When they sleep their color becomes dull and the dots near their side look like they are dead so it's a defense mechanism for them.

The predators of large betta fish are cats, fish, newts, salamanders, and birds. The predicators of giant bettas are large fish and seals. Even because of their aggression they kill each other. Sometimes female bettas eat their eggs.

Butterflyfish have a small size, but the fish need a 75 to 150-gallon tank. You can put many fish in the same tank, so it is important to give them a large space so they can swim freely. Butterflyfish love to move around and easily get bored and fall sick in a small space.

If you prepare a tank for butterfly fish make sure that you arrange the places to hide. If possible, include a hiding space that is made with corals and rocks to closely reflect their home. Before putting hiding space, they are blunt.