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Hot: 35 to 40 °C
Cold: 0 to 5 °C
30 to 250 USD
25 to 35 PSI
Top Speed: 60-64 km/h
Flight Speed: 32-48 km/h
Family: Cacatuidae
Classification: Aves
Breed Name: Nymphicus Hollandicus
The Cockatiel, scientifically known as Nymphicus hollandicus, originates from the expansive continent of Australia. In their native habitat, Cockatiels are known for their nomadic lifestyle, often traversing across vast landscapes in search of food and suitable nesting sites. They are highly adaptable birds, capable of thriving in diverse conditions, from arid interior regions to more temperate coastal areas. They have evolved mechanisms to cope with fluctuations in temperature and limited water availability, making them resilient inhabitants of the Australian outback. This dietary flexibility has enabled them to survive and thrive in diverse ecosystems across Australia.
The natural behaviors and characteristics of Cockatiels, such as their vocalizations, social interactions, and breeding habits, have been shaped by their evolutionary history in the Australian landscape. Their instinctual behaviors, such as flocking together for safety and breeding in hollow tree cavities, reflect their adaptation to the challenges and opportunities present in their native environment.
Belonging to the parrot family, Cockatiels are renowned for their gentle demeanor, striking appearance, and sociable nature, making them beloved pets worldwide. These birds are relatively small in size, typically measuring around 30 centimeters in length from head to tail, with a wingspan of approximately 30 to 32 centimeters.
One of the most distinctive features of the Cockatiel is its prominent crest, which can be raised or lowered depending on the bird's mood or level of alertness. The crest adds to the bird's charismatic appearance, giving it a unique and endearing quality. In addition to their crest, Cockatiels are known for their expressive facial markings, including bright orange cheek patches and vibrant yellow coloring on their faces.