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Serving Food

feeding your combtail betta fish

Since they are mainly carnivores, betta should eat a wide range of entire prey, such as birds, fish, and other suitable sources of protein. For betta, it's important to provide them a balanced diet that caters to their unique nutritional requirements at each stage of life.

Set up a regular feeding routine. Several variables, including whether the betta is young or adult, male or female because each has its nutritional requirements, affect how often it is fed.

You can also offer frozen food or freeze-dried food to your betta. Betta pellets provide a balanced and nutritious diet. Flakes are very good for Betta's health. Give a Black orchid bettas should eat twice a day. Giving a food for small portion, do not overfeed your betta. Because it leads to constipation. Because overfeeding causes a problem, it’s best to prefer small-portion meals and stick to short feeding.

A high-quality pellet, enriched with protein is considered as a base meal, with a healthy treat. Which can be either live or frozen. Occasionally you can serve them brine shrimp and bloodworms.

If you overfeed the betta, they cause many problems such as obesity, swim bladder, and constipation. betta undergoes a “fast” for one day every 15 days, to maintain appetites. They can live without eating for 15 days because of the environment change, water change, etc.

Betta have a weak immune system and digestion system. Serve a betta small portion of food, if you overfeed the betta, they can develop constipation and bloating. When these condition develop avoid animal protein, and offer them green boiled peas. They helps the treat the symptoms. You can skip a food for days to quick recovery.

feeding your combtail betta fish