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Serving Food

festive feeding for delta tail betta fish

Delta tail betta are omnivores, so serve them different food like animal protein and leaves. You can serve them a high-quality commercial pellet which is loaded with animal protein will be a basic Meal. You can offer frozen dried food or live food.

You can offer them veggie clips, which you put on the side of the aquarium. Frozen food and frozen dried food is a great option for an easy diet. These are the mixture of organisms. The good thing about frozen food it is available in small chunks so you don’t have to break them into pieces. In aquariums, it is easy to feed if you put males and females together so they don’t feel outcasts in an aquarium leading to conflict between individuals.

You can schedule the food serving, and offer food twice a day in small cunks. Do not put too much food in the tank, if betta leaves the food uneaten they disturb the tank condition. And water is polluted.

Overfeeding leads to the:

Generally, betta have a weak digestion system, if you overfeed them they can develop constipation or bloating. As freshwater fish, they consider small eye size portions of food.

Constipation: the causes of constipation are overfeeding and lack of fiber in the diet. The treatment is fasting for 2-3 days, and feeding peas as well as high-quality betta food.

Swim bladder: symptoms of this disease beta cannot swim properly. If you notice that your fish having difficulty swimming it might suffer from swim bladder. It is often caused by overfeeding or low fiber in the diet.

Betta has a weak immune system and digestion system. Serve a betta small portion of food, if you overfeed the betta, they can develop constipation and bloating. When these conditions develop avoid animal protein, and offer them green boiled peas.

festive feeding for delta tail betta fish