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Bite Force

pounce brilliance of great pyrenees

The bite force of the Great Pyrenees is estimated to range between 200 to 300 pounds per square inch (PSI). Bite force is a measure of the strength exerted by a dog's jaws, indicating their ability to exert pressure while biting.

The Great Pyrenees, despite its large size and powerful jaws, generally exhibits a gentle and non-aggressive temperament. Keep in mind that a dog's aggressiveness and behavior are not only determined by the power of its bite.

As with every breed of dog, the Great Pyrenees' biting power may vary from a single animal to the next. Generally, Great Pyrenees are not known for having an exceptionally strong bite force compared to some other breeds that were specifically bred for guarding or hunting purposes.

To shape a dog's behavior in a way that keeps them and those surrounding them safe, appropriate ownership, socialization, and training are vital.