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rosetail betta fish journey through feeding

It is essential to provide a balanced diet to the betta, roseatail betta is no exception, they need more attention when it comes to a diet. by nature the rosetail bettas are carnivores so protein is essential in their diet. The main portion of their food is a high-quality pellet, which fulfills their nutrition needs.

It is important to serve them different types of food, so they can get all the essential nutrition, They opt for meats because they require a large amount of protein for proper functioning. Rosetail betta eats 2 times a day. You can offer a variety of food: You can offer them algae, baby shrimp, prawns, crabs, small fish, mosquitoes, insects, small spiders, sea anemones, corals, seaweed, annelid worms, and benthic worms.

Bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp are great, but they will be happy when you provide them with live food. They will eat everything that is put in the tanks including small insects, snails, and brine shrimp.

Healthy diet maintain their natural color. betta fish are picky eaters, but also have good appetites. Once you prefer a palette; they become overweight and constipated. So make sure that you do not overfeed them, and break the food into small pieces so you can avoid choking hazards.

Generally, betta have a weak digestion system, if you overfeed them they can develop constipation or bloating. As freshwater fish, they consider small eye size portion food.

Rosetail betta is sensitive to water quality and food intake. If their tank water is compromised by inappropriate cleaning activity, they can easily develop multiple diseases that are hard to cure. A betta fish has a very small stomach and a weak immune system. So, they easily develop digestive problems such as constipation.

rosetail betta fish journey through feeding