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Predators And Prey

predatory threats to veiltail betta fish

Veiltail bettas are some of the precious fish in the betta world or aquarium trend. The betta is a carnivore and consumes the daphnia, brine shrimp, zooplankton, and other small insects such as mosquitoes, cetaceans, bloodworms, etc. Like other creatures, there are two biggest there to bettas water pollution and natural habitat destruction.

The predators of large betta fish are cats, fish, newts, salamanders, and birds. The predators of giant bettas are large fish and seals. Even because of their aggression they kill each other. Sometimes female bettas eat their eggs.

pollution and habitat destruction are the two biggest threats. Human activity such as chemical plantations and industrial development destroy their natural habitat. Much of these habitats are destroyed by human activity such as chemical exposure; because of that water quality becomes bad; which is harmful to betta because they prefer to live in freshwater.

Betta is harmless to humans, but humans are kept in aquariums and used for fighting, as well as becoming household pets. So, this will affect the population of the betta fish. If you maintain properly betta can live a healthy life.