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Serving Food

gourmet delights for veiltail betta fish

Live food is a good option for veiltail betta. They eat insects and vertebras as they can easily feet in their teeth. Some of the betta species will thrive if you give them live food. Perhaps the best food is baby brine shrimp and copepods.

You can offer them veggie clips, which you put on the side of the aquarium. Frozen food and frozen dried food is a great option for an easy diet. These are the mixture of organisms. The good thing about frozen food it is available in small chunks so you don’t have to break them into pieces. In aquariums, it is easy to feed if you put males and females together so they don’t feel outcasts in an aquarium leading to conflict between individuals.

Giving them improper food raises a major issue.

Frozen food and freeze-dried food is great for most of the species. The good thing about frozen food is you don’t have to through it, just cut it into chunks and place it in an aquarium. Feed the betta a small portion of the food because they have a small mouth and teeth, and can not chew large pieces. Larger pieces can pose a major problem or choking hazard.

You can schedule the food serving, and offer food twice a day in small cunks. Do not put too much food in the tank, if betta leaves the food uneaten they disturb the tank condition. And water is polluted.

Feed them a proper amount of food at the right time, and sometimes feed them high-quality pellets for reward or treat.

How to keep your betta

In fact of their striking appearance, bettas are hard to keep and because of their weak immune system, they will suffer from many health issues. Right parameters, and a healthy diet, bettas live a long life.

The betta lives a long life of around 10-15 years, health is determined in many aspects healthy bettas are strong, vibrant in color, and relaxed fins and feed readily.

gourmet delights for veiltail betta fish