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captivating essence of yellow betta fish

Yellow betta fish well known as Siamese fighting fish are water fish native to Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand. Till now 73 betta species discovered, and all these species are acquired from the betta splendens. Till now a total of 37 varieties of Siamese fighting fish discovered. All have different colors, shades, tails, and fins. Via selective breeding, you can create beautiful specimens. The betta lives in fresh water and salt water.

Yellow betta is rare and has a mesmerizing beauty. They have bright yellow color fins and bodies. after yellow betta is achieved by breeding, the breeder develops other varieties such as pineapple betta, which has a yellow and orange color as well as black line outing scale, which looks like a pineapple.

For a healthy betta maintaining water parameters is a must. Betta prefers water temperatures in between 76-82 F. They can survive hot weather, but cannot tolerate cold weather. If the heater is cold they require a heater to maintain temperature. They can endure the hardness between 0 – 20 KH. They can survive in a short space such as a bowl and live in poor quality water. prefer warm water and slightly acidic water (pH 6.0 to 7.5).

A beautiful and elegant-looking fish is a carnivore. They prefer protein protein-rich diet. They eat common fish food which is live or frozen like bloodworms, mosquito larvae, and earthworms. Sometimes you offer them dried food and frozen food. Bettas have a weak immune system. So, don’t overfed them it leads to bloating and constipation.

A betta can endure low oxygen levels because they have a labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe from the oxygen. they gulp oxygen from the air and inhale.

Compared to other betta yellow betta is less aggressive. They are aggressive when the matter of the territory. Even females a less aggressive than males. They are friendly only compatible species. Males build a bubble nest for fertilization and hatching eggs. The fish spawn with the males building bubble nests, after which they protect the eggs and raise the young. After the spawn male betta repairs the bubble nest.

Betta is harmess to human. But human activity may threaten betta. pollution and habitat destruction, the large predators are cats, birds, salamanders, and whales. Their natural habitat was destroyed by human activity including the plantation, and chemical factory rises. Because of this water quality becomes bad; which is harmful to betta. Big fish are also a threat to the betta.

captivating essence of yellow betta fish
captivating essence of yellow betta fish

A betta has a weak immune system so they can affected via bacterial and viral infection easily. Common betta diseases are fin rot, velvet, ich. Their health is also affected when you overfeed them, overfeeding can lead to constipation, bloating, or swim bladder. So be careful when you feed them.

With proper care and maintenance betta can leave a long life. They usually survive 3-5 years.