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building bonds through betta training

Black orchid betta is highly intelligent; it’s considered as one of the best Aquarian pets. With a little training, you can teach them many things such as following directions eating from the hand, playing balls, swimming through hoops, and jumping out of the water. To encourage training provide every successful attempt as a reward give them fish food.

Train your black orchid to follow the finger's direction; your goal is to catch the attention of the fish. If your betta responds right away with your finger; reward it with fish food. Move your finger until it is noticed.

A caretaker very well knows how to train. The fastest way to train our betta is by encouraging each successful attempt with food. and the best way to train your fish offer food for each successful attempt. you can use finger food pellets to teach them. Pellets are considered as a treat, so offering them pellets instead of normal food, a betta can see eating as a portion of special food and more encouraged.

For this choose a hoop or bangles. Place it the side. Move your finger where the hoop is placed. Every successful attempt gives them rewards. Follow the same procedure until they naturally swim through the hoop. In a starting phase take a big size of the hoop, when betta learns to swim through the hoop, gradually decrease the size of the hoop until it’s slightly larger than one inch in diameter. After they used to hang the hook on the side of the tank. This is a difficult task so it’s taking time to teach. Encourage them. You can use pipe cleaner as a hoop; band a pipe cleaner in a round shape.

Black orchid Betta is not a good swimmer, but a good jumper. Betta is a natural jumper. To train your betta for jumping. Take one stick and any dried frozen food. Hook the food in the stick. Place the stick above the fish tank. Now try to catch the attention of the betta. If the betta notices the stick move the stick up, for food betta jumps into the water. If they successfully jump reward them with food. This trick performs when you need a lid if they jump.

Bettas jump when water quality is poor. for safety buy a lid. Be careful when they jump.

positive reinforcement for black orchid betta